• EMDR & BSP was designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories and is a psychotherapy treatment endorsed by the American Psychological Association and Word Health Organization. These brain-based treatments are not just for severe trauma; it is also used for performance enhancement to excel in areas such as athletics, business, and relationships.

    To learn more about the process click here

  • Short answer: A Sports Psychologist can perform EMDR & BSP treatment if they have received intensive training in that technique.

    To lean more about how EMDR & Brainspotting differs from treatment that traditional Sports Psychologist provide, click here.

  • With any significant upsetting experience, stress responses appear. Those stress responses can cause a performance problem.

    To learn more about the process, click here

  • Yes. Not all elite athletes experience performance problems. You can receive mental peak performance training to simply expand your performance level.

    To learn more about the process, click here.

  • 1. EMDR therapy is only effective for treating trauma. While EMDR therapy is widely recognized for its effectiveness in treating trauma-related disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), it is not limited to trauma alone. EMDR therapy can also be utilized for a range of other conditions, including anxiety, depression, phobias, addiction, and to enhance mental peak performance

    Check out EMDR Podcast: Isn't EMDR therapy only for PTSD?

    Check out EMDR Podcast: What is EMDR therapy and what can it do for your clients?

    2. EMDR therapy is a hypnotic or mind control technique. Some people mistakenly believe that EMDR therapy involves hypnosis or mind control. In reality, EMDR therapy is a non-hypnotic therapy that helps individuals process distressing memories and experiences by engaging their own cognitive and emotional resources. It does not involve the therapist taking control of the client's mind or inducing a trance-like state.

    3. Eye movements are the only form of bilateral stimulation used in EMDR therapy. Although eye movements are a commonly used form of bilateral stimulation in EMDR therapy, they are not the only method. Therapists can also employ alternate forms of bilateral stimulation, such as hand tapping or auditory stimulation, based on the client's preference and needs.

    4. EMDR therapy provides a quick fix or instant cure. EMDR therapy can indeed produce significant and lasting results, but it is not an instant cure. The duration of treatment varies depending on the individual and the complexity of their issues. EMDR therapy typically involves multiple sessions and requires active engagement from the client to process and integrate the targeted memories or experiences fully.

    5. EMDR therapy is only effective for visual trauma memories. While EMDR therapy was initially developed with a focus on visual trauma memories, it has since been adapted to address other types of memories as well. EMDR therapy can be effective for individuals who have experienced traumas that are not necessarily visual, such as those involving physical sensations, sounds, or emotions. The therapy is designed to target and process any distressing memory regardless of its sensory nature.

  • While CBT has been found to be beneficial in helping athletes, current research has shown EMDR and Brainspotting (brain-therapy) to be more effective in dealing with performance problems because it accesses a different part of the brain.

    To learn more about the process, click here.

  • If after a phone consultation your candidacy is approved for EMDR & BSP treatment, we can create a plan for you to visit San Diego to receive treatment through an Intensive Program.

    To learn more about Intensives, click here.

  • Because you will be receiving treatment through a Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist, it must be performed in the state that the Psychotherapist is licensed in. Clinical therapy is different from coaching and has stricter guidelines and requirements for receiving treatment that are compliant to the Licensing Board of Behavioral Science.

    To learn more about the process, click here

  • Fill out the Contact Form or call directly. You will be assessed for candidacy. If you live San Diego, your treatment will be both in-person and via Zoom.

    Click here to contact Jennie

  • Since Jennie is not contracted with any health insurance, she is considered to be an out-of-network provider.

    How can I get reimbursed for Jennie’s treatment services?

    We highly recommend calling your insurance company to determine if you have out-of-network benefits and what, if any, reimbursements you are entitled to prior to making your first medical consultation appointment.

    It is your responsibility to check for your reimbursement benefits and we recommend that you obtain this information prior to making your first appointment so that you have the reimbursement information you need to help make your decision to be a client of Carlestav Counseling & Consulting.

    Click here to discuss your options with Jennie.